Keep Your Pets Safe and Happy This Summer

While the sunny summer months provide a perfect opportunity for spending time outdoors with pets, high temperatures, seasonal plants and pests, and increased travel can present several risks to our furry family members. To help keep dogs, cats and other pets safe during summer adventures, consider these tips from the experts at VCA Animal Hospitals.

Beat the heat. Dogs and cats cannot control their body temperature by sweating as humans do. Instead, they have a small number of sweat glands located in their footpads, and primarily regulate their temperature by panting. Vigorous exercise, leaving a pet in a vehicle with poor ventilation – even if the windows are down – or being left outside without shade and water on hot days can lead to heatstroke or hyperthermia.

Increased humidity intensifies these risks, especially during the first few warm days as pets transition to outdoor activity. If your pet exhibits any symptoms of heatstroke – elevated breathing rates, dry or sticky gums, lethargy, disorientation, abnormal gum color, bruised gums or seizures – pour cool water over their head, stomach and feet or apply cool, wet cloths. Also make sure they have continuous airflow and see a veterinarian immediately.

Protect against ticks. As pets spend more time outdoors, wandering through your garden, thick grasses and wooded areas, they'll be more exposed to ticks, which can transmit serious diseases to both dogs and cats. Ticks climb onto pets from blades of grass or fall from overhanging trees and foliage. If you find a tick on your pet, use tweezers or disposable gloves to grasp it as close to the skin as possible then pull straight out with steady, even pressure until it releases. Then carefully inspect all areas of your pet's skin, including behind the ears and between the toes. 

After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area with soap and water and wash your hands. Save the tick in a resealable plastic bag to show your veterinarian and take note of the time and place the bite occurred and any other details that may aid your vet should an illness occur. Follow the doctor's advice about tick preventative measures, and make sure the product is safe to be used for your pet's size.

Travel safely. If you plan to travel with your pet, be sure to pack all the necessities they'll need, including food, water bowls, treats, a leash and collar, toys, medications and printed copies of medical records, including vaccination history. Check with your vet to determine if a health certificate is needed for travel. Also ensure your pet is comfortable with his or her crate or carrier before flying or embarking on a long road trip.

Another important safety measure is to research where you can take your pet in the event of an emergency while away. Find out where emergency vet clinics are located at your destination and/or if your vet at home offers virtual care options. 

Following these simple safety measures will help ensure that your pet is protected and happy all summer long.

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